President Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate
Obama's Birth Certificate
In other news, John McCain, a rival Republican nominee to Bush in 2000 and a presidential candidate in 2008, was born in Coco Solo Naval Air Station
, Panama. PANAMA! (Typing this has Van Halen's classic stuck in my head) Of course, that received little, if any, talk time on the political shows. Does being born on a U.S. base, which happens to be on foreign soil, make a person a “natural-born” citizen of the United States, and thus pass the main requirement of Article Two of our Constitution? I personally don't believe it counts, but the debate will go on.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Governor, Terminator... Possible Presidentor? Back in 2004 the Austrian-born Mr. Universe was campaigning to amend the United States Constitution so that foreign-born citizens could run for president. Of course this dissolved quickly, but I can't help but wonder why the requirements to become president are even relevant in these times. Those that passed the citizenship test probably know more about the United States Government than most “natural-born” citizens. In amending the Constitution, it would end any confusion for McCain's presidential bids.
So while the "Birthers" constantly want our president to show them the Birthcertificatefax when they have no evidence to support any claim that he was born in Kenya (aside from very “authentic” handmade certificates), they are being extremely hypocritical by turning a blind eye on one of their own. But in this country, it's cool to be a hypocrite! Read Bush Senior's lips, no new taxes!

Looks legit to me!
Back on to Mr. Trump. A man who has declared bankruptcy many a times, had who knows how many divorces, and keeps teasing us with his bid to run for presidency while running a reality show. But if I had a dollar for every way I could nitpick against Trump, I'd be as rich as him! "Today, I'm very proud of myself because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish... I am really honored, frankly, to have played such a big role in hopefully getting rid of this issue," says the ever-gloating Don. Never mind that he's been the biggest role in CONTINUING the issue, instead of pushing to end it. I believe that the issue will go on for as long as Obama's president, with the non-believers touting that the certificate provided is a fake, and claiming that they have the official one.
So... what has this stupid debacle over our president's legal right to govern this country accomplished exactly? We're still in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya. The national debt isn't shrinking. The healthcare debate continues. And Donald Trump is still an idiot.